November 14, 2005

That we might have the eyes of our souls opened to Christ, the light of the world

As Saint Symeon the New Theologian, an Orthodox monk who lived around 949 to 1022 said in Ethics 5:

“Son of David, have mercy on me”
My friend, you have learned that the Kingdom of Heaven is in you (Lk 17:21), if you wish, and that all the eternal goods are in your hands. So hurry to see, to take hold of and to obtain within yourself the goods that are reserved… Groan, prostrate yourself. Like the blind man in the past, you now also say: “Have mercy on me, Son of God, and open the eyes of my soul so that I might see the Light of the world that you are, oh my God (Jn 8:12), and that I too might become a child of that divine light (Jn 12:36).


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